Customer Testimonials

Over my long and varied career I’ve had many happy and often returning customers, some staying with me for 18 years (and counting).

Here are just a few of the things some of my happy customers have said about my work over the last 20+ years

Totally recommend this lady for your website needs. In the beginning she was generous enough to let me pay in instalments to get a website up and running.

But three years on, I’ve had Marie working on my website this week to help improve it.

I went to her with a list, she has completed that list, relieved a bottleneck in my website that I have been procrastinating over for ages! Added upgrades that I have never had time to get around to doing ( and made it easier for the customer to do too).

She also went into my stripe account and relinked that, as I hadn’t done it properly. and headed to my royal mail account to link my website to that, so I don’t have to manually add them in any more!!

And guess what! 8 website sales in 8 days! (half have come from ads, half from SEO) all due to Marie making it easier for my potential customers to instinctually know how to get their details to me to make their custom maps, rather than thinking sod it, this is too hard, I’m off.
Louise Garbutt / The Personalised Map Company
Marie should be called The Pixel Super Hero as she came to my rescue as I had no idea where to start !!

Very patient and dedicated to her cause of creating the “perfect fit” for website for your business
Victoria Rodgers / Victoria Rodgers Creates
I’ve used their hosting for many many years and have always been impressed with the service.
Robert Tingle
I approached Marie to create a pair of matching logos for my two businesses xx I am totally thrilled with them xx highly recommend x thank you
Nicola McNally
Not only is Marie talented in creating beautiful websites she also has the patience of a saint; cheerfully explaining how things worked and taking my ‘what if’s’ and ‘maybe I should’s’ in her stride.

She understands how small businesses work and the type of constraints they are under, her websites are quick and easy to use which is a godsend when you have to do everything yourself.

Worth having a browse through her portfolio to see for yourself what value for money you get.
Annie Nowak / Annette Francesca Artisan Beads
Fabulous customer service. Highly recommend to everyone!!!
Gemma Cross / Snowflake Cottage Crafts